If you are experiencing muscular pain, chronic stiffness, or limited mobility, dry needling may be an excellent choice to relieve pain and improve functionality. Also known as trigger point therapy, dry needling refers to a highly trained physical therapist inserting very small, fine needles into the affected muscle that is causing you pain or limited mobility. These areas are called your pain trigger points and dry needling is designed to relieve your pain. Dry needling is a subset of physical therapy. It may be recommended by your physical therapist as part of your overall treatment plan that can also include traditional physical therapy. It is called ‘dry’ needling because the small needle inserted doesn’t contain any medication and is not an injection, but it is used to relieve pain when it is inserted into muscle tissue. Dry needling is different than acupuncture because it is a product of modern Western medicine that is fully supported by clinical medical research. Clinical research proves that dry needling is an effective treatment to ease pain, reduce chronic muscle tension, increase mobility, and normalize dysfunctions in your muscle tissue. Dry needling is used as a part of a broader treatment plan for chronic pain and limited mobility issues.


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