Where permitted by state legislation, physical therapists utilise the dry needling method to treat patients with pain and movement problems. The physical therapist places "dry" needles—those devoid of injections or medication—into certain muscle locations. Acupuncture, which is based on traditional Chinese medicine and is carried out by acupuncturists, is not dry needling. Research supports the use of dry needling in contemporary Western medicine. A taut strip of skeletal muscle inside a broader muscular group is referred to as a trigger point. To the touch, trigger points can be painful. Trigger points on the body can cause pain to spread to other areas of the body. A tiny filiform needle is used for dry needling. The needle pierces the skin and stimulates the muscles, connective tissues, and myofascial trigger points beneath. A physical therapist can target tissues with the needle that are out of their reach with their hands. When dry needling, physical therapists put on protective gear like gloves. Medical sharps collectors are used to dispose of used sterile needles.


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