Elastic Therapeutic Tape, also called Kinesiology Tape, Kinesio Tape, K-Tape is a rehabilitative method used to facilitate the body's natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body's range of motion. Tapping is usually used by physiotherapists to change Muscle Tone, Move Lymphatic Fluids, Correct Movement Patterns, and Improve Posture. Kinesiology tape is a therapeutic tape that is applied to the body to decrease pain, reduce swelling, and improve functionality. The process involves placing Strips of Kinesiology tape on the body in Specific directions for therapeutic purposes. Kinesiology tape is a stretchable, water-resistant adhesive, made of nylon and cotton. It is elastic-like skin, therefore allowing a full range of motion. When the tape is applied to the body, it lifts your skin gently by recoiling, creating space between the skin and the underneath tissues. These tissues contain sensory receptors that feel, touch, pain, and temperature, also responsible for sensing proprioception. Kinesiology taping decompresses these tissues thus sending new signals to the brain. When the brain receives these signals, it responds differently. Book an Appointment with RAJANI SPORTS AND SPINE REHABILITATION Physical Therapy Expert, Consult Our Top-Rated Physiotherapists to discuss your treatment.
For more details please contact us! 8006474245
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- Kinesiology Taping Treatment in Bareilly
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